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Изменение климата и


September 2024, Baku

About Conference

Climate change and agricultural forecasting

Agriculture is a rather risky and difficult to predict field of activity due to its high sensitivity to the effects of climate and market factors. In terms of ensuring the sustainable development of the agricultural sector, it is required to correctly assess and forecast the effects of these factors, and to make both farm-level business decisions and effective sector-specific policy decisions related to agricultural activity based on these forecasts.

Currently, numerous studies are being conducted on predicting the effects of various factors on agriculture. It includes a wide variety of studies, from making forecasts of productivity, production, sales, import/export based on climate (temperature, precipitation, humidity, etc.), price, demand/supply and other data, to making macroeconomic forecasts based on modeling of many complex processes. Especially the research conducted by European Union countries on modeling and forecasting in the field of agriculture is noteworthy. In these countries, rich experience has been accumulated in the field of evaluation of economic activities related to agriculture through various simulation models (AGMEMOD, CAPRI, AgLink Cosimo, etc.). Based on the study of this experience and the results of research conducted in the considered direction, making rational decisions on the agricultural sector contributes to the effective provision of food security, which acts as one of the most important problems for the world as a whole.

In this regard, there is a need to exchange knowledge and experiences related to the predictions made by individual scientists, researchers and other experts and organizations in the field of agriculture, as well as the methodologies used for conducting these studies.

The Agricultural Research Center under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan organizes an international conference called "Climate change and agricultural forecasting" in order to share these experiences and bring together researchers and experts from different countries of the world.

The main purpose of the conference to organize an a platform to exchange knowledge and experiences related to modeling and forecasting methods applied in the field of agriculture in developed countries with other countries of the world, to provide access to research works and analysis tools related to the field, as well as to expand international and regional cooperation in the field of scientific research.

Within the framework of the conference, discussions will be organized for the participants to gain information and practical knowledge about the models and forecasting methods applied by the European Union countries in the field of agriculture, as well as the experiences, conceptual approaches and practical knowledge available in the field of agricultural modeling and forecasting in other countries.

The conference will be held in Baku on September, 2024 in a hybrid (offline and on-line) format.
Taking into consideration the opinion of the Scientific Committee and the desire of the conference participant, the costs of physical participation in the conference will be covered by the partners of the Agricultural Economics Research Center under the Government of Azerbaijan and the Ministry of Agriculture.

The conference is planned to be organized in the following sections:

  1. Messages of state officials and representatives of international organizations on the subject;
  2. Presentations on forecasting methods and tools applied by developed countries and international organizations;
  3. Current situation, experiences and initiatives in this field in emerging countries, especially in regional countries;
  4. Discussions on the results of research conducted by researchers using agricultural forecasting methods and tools.
“Climate change and agricultural forecasting”

Scientific committee


Guest Speaker
Dr. Stefano Vaccari
Dr. Stefano Vaccari Italy

Director-General at the Consiglio per la Ricerca in Agricoltura e l’analisi dell’Economia agraria (Council for Agricultural Research and Economic),

Guest Speaker
Dr. Siemen van Berkum
Dr. Siemen van Berkum The Netherlands

Wageningen University & Research, senior scientist; economist

Guest Speaker
Prof. Mario Njavro
Prof. Mario Njavro Zagreb, Croatia

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, Croatia

Guest Speaker
Prof. Haluk Kasnakoğlu
Prof. Haluk Kasnakoğlu Türkiye

Middle East Technical University, Department of Economics

Guest Speaker
Dr. Csaba Pesti
Dr. Çaba Pesti Budapesti, Hungary

Director of the Information Systems Directorate at AKI Institute of Agricultural Economics

Guest Speaker
Prof. Dr. Erol H. Çakmak
Prof. Dr. Erol H. Çakmak Türkiye

Middle East Technical University, Department of Economics

Guest Speaker
Prof. Dr. Hamza Khalilov
Hamza Khalilov Azerbaijan

Advisor to the director of the Agricultural Research Center, doctor of sciences in economics

Guest Speaker
Dr. Borodin Konstantin G.
Dr. Borodin Konstantin Grigorievich Russia

All-Russian Institute for Agrarian Problems and Informatics (VIAPI)

Guest Speaker
Asst. Prof. Oleg Nivievskyi
Asst. Prof. Oleg Nivievskyi Ukraine

Dean of the Faculty at Kyiv School of Economics

Guest Speaker
Dr. Sang-Hyo Kim
Dr. Sang-Hyo Kim Korea

Korea Rural Economic Institute (KREI)

Guest Speaker
Prof. Dr. Yadulla Hasanli
Yadulla Hasanli Azerbaijan

Advisor to the director of the Agricultural Research Center, doctor of sciences in economics

Guest Speaker
Prof. Dr. Rovshan Guliyev
Rovshan Guliyev Azerbaijan

UNEC, the Department of Business Management, doctor of sciences in economics

Guest Speaker
Prof. Dr. Rasul Balayev
Rasul Balayev Azerbaijan

University of Economics (UNEC), Azerbaijan, doctor of sciences in economics

Guest Speaker
Dr. Ramil Huseyn
Ramil Huseyn Azerbaijan

Deputy director of the Center for Analysis and Communication of Economic Reforms, Azerbaijan, doctor of sciences in economics

Guest Speaker
Ph.D. Vagif Rustamov
Vagif Rustamov Azerbaijan

Chairman of the Center for Local Economic Development

Guest Speaker
Ph.D. Firdovsi Fikretzade
Firdovsi Fikretzade Azerbaijan

Director of the Agricultural Research Center, PhD in economics

Guest Speaker
Prof. Dr. Vahid Abbasov
Vahid Abbasov Azerbaijan

Baku State University, Azerbaijan, doctor of sciences in economics

Guest Speaker
Ph.D. Namig Shalbuzov
Namig Shalbuzov Azerbaijan

Deputy director of the Agricultural Research Center, PhD in economics

Guest Speaker
Dr. Rashad Huseynov
Rashad Huseynov Azerbaijan

Khazar University, Azerbaijan, PhD in economics

Guest Speaker
Associate Prof. Anar Hatamov
Anar Hatamov Azerbaijan

Department of Agrarian Economics, ASAU, Azerbaijan, PhD in economics


Articles reflecting the results of scientific research conducted using statistical, econometric, machine learning and other modeling methods on agricultural economy and food security problems should be sent to the conference.

Research papers may cover the following topics of national, regional and global importance related to agricultural development and food security issues:

  • Forecasting growth in agriculture;
  • Evaluation of the factors affecting the sustainable development of the agricultural field;
  • Assessment of the impact of climate change on agriculture.
  • Assessment of the effectiveness of state regulation in the field of agriculture;
  • Assessment of interactions between the agricultural sector and other sectors of the economy;
  • Forecasting the effects of investments in agriculture;
  • Assessment of the effects of trade policy and integration into the global value chain on the agricultural sector;
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of the application of innovations in agriculture;

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Authors are not required to pay for article publication.

Conference materials should be sent to by 29.02.2024.

Articles can be returned to the author for necessary corrections and changes after expert review. If there is no need for corrections and changes, the author will be informed about the acceptance of the article for publication.

The collection of published scientific works of the author(s) article will be placed in electronic form on the website of the conference.

Requirements for the acceptance of article

Only original research papers should be sent to the conference. The presented articles, theses and reports will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee of the conference through the peer review system. Works that do not comply with the conference concept and format requirements will not be accepted.

Requirements for writing articles (theses, reports):

  1. Articles can be written in Azerbaijani, English and Russian;
  2. Articles must be prepared in MS Office Word using 12-size "Times New Roman" font, line spacing 1.15, paragraph size 1 cm, A4 format pages should be 2 cm on each side;
  3. Number of pages should be minimum 5, maximum 12;
  4. The UOT index of the article should be shown in bold font in the upper left corner of the page;
  5. After the UOT index, the title of the article should be written in bold capital letters from the center;
  6. Author(s)’ name, first and last name, scientific degree, place of work, e-mail address should be written in the right corner below the title;
  7. If the article is written in Azerbaijani or Russian, there should be a summary in English with a minimum of 150 and a maximum of 200 words;
  8. Below the summary, keywords containing a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 words should be listed;
  9. The research can be divided into sections with summarized headings that contain the content. In this case, section headings should be written with one line left from the top and bottom of the new paragraph;
  10. Tables, pictures, graphs and schemes should be numbered consecutively and their names should be written in bold font from the top right;
  11. References in the article should be numbered in square brackets at the end of the sentence according to their number in the bibliography or the name of the author and the year of publication of the referenced work should be indicated in brackets;
  12. At the end of the article, the list of used literature should be presented in the order found in the text of the article.

Baku, Azerbaijan
in-person and with virtual presence

T: (+994) 12 599 08 88

Weekdays 9.00 — 18.00.

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